Kaiser Permanente Eye Care

Since the founding of Kaiser Permanente in the 1940s, Eye Care has been a part of the services provided by our medical group.

Kaiser Permanente members have a trusted partner with the integration of our optometrists, general and sub specialty ophthalmologists, and licensed dispensing opticians to provide our patients their best possible vision.

When members visit a Kaiser Permanente Eye Care provider at one of our 14 locations, their eyeglasses and contact lenses prescriptions, along with their exams, become part of their online medical records, helping them and their care team manage their eye health. Eye Care providers are also integrated with the Kaiser Permanente primary care providers and consultative specialists.

If a location is not available in a member's service area, and depending upon the member's health insurance, the member may use contracted eye care specialists listed in the Provider Directory.

Eye care

In addition to comprehensive eye exams for eyeglasses and contact lenses, our optometrists serve patients for same-day urgent appointments as well as to diagnose, treat, and manage many chronic eye diseases including dry eye, cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy screening, and age-related macular degeneration.

Our ophthalmologists provide comprehensive consultative and surgical services for a variety of eye diseases. Kaiser Permanente Eye Care employs specialists in medical and surgical retina, pediatric ophthalmology, cornea, oculoplastics, and neuro ophthalmology. LASIK is no longer offered directly by Kaiser Permanente doctors; referrals are available upon request.

Eyewear products

All Kaiser Permanente optical retail stores are staffed with licensed opticians and carry a large selection of fashion eyewear and a full line of optical supplies including sunglasses, sports goggles, and reading aids. Our optical retail stores offer a full range of pricing from our affordable eyewear to designer eyewear and digital lens manufacturing.