Identifying members: Kaiser Permanente member ID cards
We issue a health plan identification card to all members. This card lists the member's name, ID number, and health plan network and/or product name. Ask to see the member's ID card at each visit.
Use our Eligibility Inquiry tool to locate a member's cost-share information, or contact the Provider Assistance Unit (PAU).
Digital ID Cards
In addition to the traditional Kaiser Permanente member card, Kaiser Permanente members have been issued a digital id card. This digital footprint will be a single source of information, including such items as the member ID, insurance plan information, phone numbers, and health plan resources. Access to this feature will mean that members should no longer need to carry their physical card in order to receive plan information or care.
Members can use their digital IDs to easily:
- Check in for appointments
- Pick up their prescriptions
- Get their membership information from their smart phone
HMO Plans
Core With Prescription Drug Coverage

Core Without Prescription Drug Coverage

Virtual Plus Connect

Sound Choice

Boeing HMO Network

Core (PSHB)

Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage HMO – Individual/Group

Medicare Advantage HMO with Part D – Individual/Group
Medicare Advantage HMO with Part D – Individual Anchor

PPO Plans
Access PPO

Summit PPO

Options Federal (FEHB)

Options Federal (PSHB)

Options Federal (PSHB) Without Prescription Drug Coverage

Elect PPO (mirrors Core HMO network, with PPO benefits)

POS Plans
KP Plus

Medicare Supplement Plan
Medicare Supplement

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