Contact us
- Status updates or issues with claims and referrals
- 1-888-767-4670
- Fax: 509-241-7615
Request a 1099:
- Email:
- Phone: 510-627-2798
For contracting consideration:
- Please visit our Join Network page
Submit provider demographic or practice changes:
- Complete the appropriate form: Provider update forms
Contracted provider inquires
- Contact the Provider Assistance Unit: 1-888-767-4670
Member inquiries:
- Call Member Services at: 1-888-901-4636
Inquiries outside WA state region:
- Please visit our Community Providers page
- (choose region in upper right hand drop-down menu)
Other inquiries:
- Email:
- Kaiser Permanente Renton Campus
- 2921 Naches Ave SW, Mail Stop RCR-A3S-05
- Renton, WA 98057
- For authorization requests, procedure notifications, authorization logs, etc
- 1-800-289-1363
- Fax: 1-888-282-2685
- For DME authorization requests, quotes, and orders:
- Fax: 1-855-370-4624
- For medical records and clinical review information:
- Fax: 844-660-0717
Credentialing status inquiries
- (For contract inquiries, please see Provider contracting below):
- Email:
- Outpatient mental health and substance use disorder services providers contact Magellan Healthcare at
- Alternative medicine providers email Tivity at
To request a current fee schedule or inquire about contract status:
- If you are directly contracted with Kaiser Permanente Washington region, email request to
- If you are contracted through First Choice, email request to
- If you are contracted through First Health, email request to or call 1-800-226-5116
- If you are contracted through Tivity, you may view your schedule on
Western Washington
- Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Centralized Release of Information, RCG-D1N-02
- PO Box 9812
- Renton, WA 98057-9054
- 206-630-6848 or 1-866-656-4184
- Fax: 206-630-6849
Eastern Washington
- Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington Centralized Health Information Management
- P.O. Box 204
- Spokane, WA 99224
- 509-241-7824
- Fax: 509-232-3127
- For questions about your existing account, call OHP technical support at 1-800-973-4797
- Don't have an account? Visit OneHealthPort for more information.
- 206-630-2130
- Compliance Hotline: 1-888-774-9100
- P.O. Box 30766
- Salt Lake city, UT 84130-0766
- To expedite claims for visiting members from other Kaiser Permanente regions, please mark the envelope:
- "Attention: Visiting Members"
- Motor-vehicle injury claims: 1-866-783-9594
Family outreach (east of Cascades)
- 1-888-245-9004
Home and community services (west of Cascades)
- 206-326-4444 or 1-800-332-5735
- Notify Kaiser Permanente of emergency hospital
- admissions. You must also call the member's primary care physician.
- 1-888-457-9516
- View Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (PDF) phone numbers by region.
- West of Cascades: 206-630-4636or 1-888-901-4636
- Spokane and North Idaho area: 509-324-3740 or 1-888-245-9004
- Tri-Cities area:509-783-3484 or 1-800-458-5450
- Yakima area: 509-574-3921 or 1-800-274-2140
- Puget Sound Region, Continuing Care Referral Intake
- Office: 206-326-4444
- Olympia, Northwest Washington, and East of Cascades:
- Send a request for aurhorization using the Referral Request tool. Or contact Review Services:
- 1-888-289-1363
- Fax: 1-888-282-2685
- King County: 206-326-2990
- Fax: 206-326-2139
- Kitsap County: 360-307-7316
- Fax: 360-307-7421
- Pierce County: 253-596-3365
- Fax: 253-596-3665
- Thurston Country: 360-923-7164
- Fax: 360-923-7799
- Northwest Washington and East of Cascades
- Provider Assistance Unit (PAU)
- 1-888-767-4670
- Fax: 509-241-7615
- 206-630-7920 or 1-800-729-1174
- Medicare Part D only: 206-901-4196 or 1-888-301-1915>
- Fax: 206-630-7950 or 1-866-510-1765
- 1-800-245-7979
- Fax: 206-630-7950 or 1-800-350-1683
- 206-630-1680 or 1-888-287-2680
- Fax: 206-630-1683