Mental health records and documentation

Providing Kaiser Permanente Mental Health Access Center (MHAC) with complete, legible, and timely paperwork allows us to quickly review and respond to authorization requests. Please follow the guidelines below when submitting required documents.

Documentation standards

Practitioners must maintain records and treatment plans in accordance with our standards, which require documentation that supports their diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment plans must include clear goals and objectives that are realistic, realizable, and measurable. Documentation standards appear in Medical Records Reviews.

See the Mental health, including addiction and recovery, index page for all related forms (indicated by quotation marks) in PDF format.

Mental health records and documentation

Name or descriptionSubmit whenComments
Practitioner's initial substance use disorder assessment, including all ASAM dimensions and treatment plan recommendationsPrior to needed services for methadone or Suboxone referral. Member can request prior authorization for acute withdrawal or residential treatment for substance use disorder.Assessment not needed for acute withdrawal management, residential treatment for substance use disorder, or routine outpatient care. Member can request prior authorization.
"Addiction and recovery reauthorization request"Prior to needed servicesFor additional services allow 5 days for a decision.
"Request for psychological testing authorization"Prior to needed servicesFor additional services allow 5 days for a decision.
"Mental health reauthorization request"Prior to needed servicesFor additional services allow 5 days for a decision.
Practitioner's inpatient or residential-treatment discharge summaryWithin 72 hours of serviceSend to the subsequent practitioner who will be continuing the member's care. Discharge planner must also fax a draft or abbreviated discharge summary to MHAC or local hospital liaison within 24 hours of discharge.
"Psychiatric medication reauthorization request"Prior to needed servicesFor additional services allow 5 days for a decision.

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